FAQs: events and programs funded by viaSport and the Province of B.C. affected by COVID-19
Mar 20, 2020

Updated March 25, 2020, 12 p.m.
In light of current events, particularly the recent cancellations of sporting events, viaSport and the Province of B.C. would like to reaffirm our support for all the people affected, directly or indirectly, by COVID-19.
To ease some of the uncertainty regarding events and programs funded by viaSport and the Province of B.C., here are some answers to questions that you may have during this time. This information will also be updated regularly and should you have any specific questions regarding your funded programs or events please contact grants@viasport.ca.
We also encourage everyone to follow the guidance provided by Canada’s public health authorities in order to make informed decisions about travel and to stay healthy. For updates on COVID-19, consult the Government of Canada information page and the B.C. Centre for Disease Control page.
Resources for managing COVID-19 related stress can be found here.
UPDATED March 24, 2020:
Question: Will Kidsport continue to accept applications?
Answer: Kidsport will continue to accept applications but will not be issuing cheques to sport clubs on behalf of the families until sport resumes. More information can be found here: http://sportbc.com/kidsport
Question: How might this affect my insurance through Sport BC?
Answer: While every situation is unique, some general information can be found here: http://sportbc.com/sbcinsurance-2/
END OF March 24, 2020 UPDATE
Question: My funded activities are being cancelled, how does this impact my funding?
Answer: Each situation is unique and must be considered on a case-by-case basis. viaSport and the Province of B.C. are committed to providing funding stability to the sector and will be working with any affected parties to find solutions to that end. Please contact grants@viasport.ca to discuss your situation.
Question: What happens to the funding for events and programs that will be rescheduled, postponed or that will require a change to their programming?
Answer: Funding agreements for grants and contributions provide flexibility to adjust to situations that may cause the original scope of activities to change significantly. Mitigation measures could include a change to the activities or timeline while still meeting the expected results of the project.
Question: I received funding from viaSport and I am wondering what to do if decisions related to COVID-19 impact my activities or events.
Answer: Funding recipients are obligated to notify viaSport by email if their event is being cancelled or postponed. Each situation will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Funding agreements for grants and contributions provide flexibility to adjust to situations that may cause the original scope of activities to change or in some cases to be cancelled entirely.
Question: I have received funding for an event or program. What precautions should I take due to COVID-19?
The Public Health Agency of Canada has posted a risk-informed decision-making tool to help public health authorities and event organizers work together to determine public health risks and actions for mass gatherings.
At this time all public gatherings of more than 50 people should be cancelled and events under 50 people that cannot maintain physical distancing of at least two metres should be cancelled.
Question: Will viaSport continue to accept and process new funding applications?
Answer: Yes. viaSport is accepting new applications for future activities and we anticipate that our grant programs will continue to operate on their usual timeline. However, it is also possible that some deadlines may need to be changed in response to emerging conditions. Updated information will be provided at https://www.viasport.ca/grants