Established guidelines that govern our actions, decision-making and behaviors.

Constitution & Bylaws
viaSport is a nonprofit registered society governed by a volunteer Board of Directors in accordance with the organization’s Constitution and Bylaws. The Board, via the Chair, assigns the leadership and management of the organization to the CEO who is supported by the Staff.
The complex environment in which viaSport operates and is impacted by is articulated through the Governance Framework. It defines the governance principles and structures by delegating appropriate levels of authority and responsibility, and ensuring accountability, of Board and Staff. Importantly, through an annual contract, viaSport must align with the overarching priorities of the Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport and the BC government to develop and implement strategies and supporting policies that steward the development, promotion, and growth of amateur sport in British Columbia, in its widest sense.
Policies form an important component of viaSport’s governance model and assist in developing the layers of oversight for the organization. It supports the framework for the amateur sport sector ecosystem. As we continue to strive to be more effective in our role, our Policy Framework ensures a common understanding and consistent approach to policy governance and management.
Governance Policies:
Board of Director approved policies that are required by legislation or compliance, support viaSport’s strategy, vision, mission, and values. They support the development of the Board, manage organizational risks, strengthen financial reporting and controls, and bolster social responsibility.
Operational Policies:
CEO approved policies that support the day-to-day operations of viaSport and bolster viaSport strategies or are required by government or partners.