Press Kit
To ensure consistent and accurate representation of the viaSport brand, please adhere to the following guidelines for appropriate logo use and recognition in media and promotional materials.

Logos and Recognition
viaSport is proud to support you, your organization, an initiative, program, event, or coach training course.
Please see guidelines on how to properly acknowledge viaSport and government support to meet the recognition requirements outlined in your agreement.
Written Acknowledgement
viaSport and the Province of BC
According to the specific details of your agreement, you will need to provide written recognition for viaSport and the Province of BC. Please see some suggestions to help you:
- Our organization is funded by, or funded in part by, viaSport BC and the Province of British Columbia.
- This project was funded by, or funded in part by, a grant from viaSport BC and the Province of British Columbia.
viaSport, the Province of BC and the Government of Canada
Certain viaSport grants require acknowledgement of the Government of Canada as well as the Province of BC. These grants are:
- BC Sport Participation Program: Community Sport Program Development Fund
- BC Sport Participation Program: Provincial Sport Development Fund
If you received one or both of these grants, please use the language below that includes the federal government:
- This project was funded by, or funded in part by, a grant from viaSport BC, the Province of British Columbia and the Government of Canada.
Please note, it is required to include the Government of Canada’s logo in your acknowledgement if you received one of the grants above. To download the logo, please visit their website.
Media Releases and Articles
If you are posting an article or blog or issuing a media release about an initiative that mentions viaSport support, you can use viaSport’s full boiler plate:
viaSport supports the sport ecosystem in driving the evolution of high-quality sport experiences that make sport better. Through collaborating with local, provincial, and federal partners, we build public trust and confidence in the promise of amateur sport.
By providing support and resources for the amateur sport sector, we enable all British Columbians to participate in safe, inclusive, and welcoming sport experiences. We endeavour to inspire a love of sport that ultimately contributes to a better quality of life. Through collaboration, inclusion, and accountability, viaSport leads the development and growth of amateur sport in BC.
We help bring more families to the field, fans to the stands, athletes to the podium and sporting events to the province. Learn more about viaSport at
Connect with us Over Social Media
viaSport has a presence on the major social media platforms such as, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram.
You can acknowledge viaSport’s support for your organization, initiative and successful grant application on one these platforms and be sure to tag @viaSportBC, and use the hashtag #makesportbetter.
- Thank you @viaSportBC for providing [your organization name] with funding through the [viaSport grant name]! Because of your support…
- Because of @viaSportBC’s support through the [viaSport grant name], [your organization name] can…
- We’re excited to announce that [your organization name] was successfully awarded funding through viaSport’s [viaSport grant name].
viaSport will provide you with the appropriate logo to use for your event, grant acknowledgement, and designation. Logos are specific to the event and year of support and should only be used if authorized.
Our logo should not be used in any way that implies endorsement, partnership, or affiliation without prior written consent.