Applications for Hosting BC sport event grants now open
Jan 19, 2018
Communities and organizations interested in hosting sporting events in 2018 can now apply for funding through the Hosting BC grant program.
Hosting BC grants provide funds up to $35,000 to communities for hosting sporting events, while fostering economic, social and community development throughout the province.
“Hosting BC grants give everyone the opportunity to bring sport events home and showcase the beauty of our province, our people, hospitality and amenities,” said Lisa Beare, Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture. “Our government is committed to helping people to realize their dreams, not only of participating in sport, but also of celebrating sport in their own backyards.”
“Breaking down the financial barriers to hosting sport events is a critical step to increasing participation in sport,” said Ravi Kahlon, Parliamentary Secretary for Sport and Multiculturalism. “We want to make life affordable for everyone, and this funding makes it easier for B.C. communities to host provincial, national and club championships.”
Applications for the winter intake of the Hosting BC grants are available to support communities in hosting local, provincial and international sporting events. The sport hosting grant program is administered by viaSport, government’s lead agency for the development and promotion of sport and physical activity in the province.
“Amateur sport events are an exciting way to unite and inspire communities through the passion, determination and talent of athletes, coaches, officials and volunteers,” said Sheila Bouman, CEO of viaSport. “We would like to encourage all sport organizations to take advantage of the funding that is available to host desired sporting events across the province.”
Since 2004, Hosting BC has invested $6.1 million in community-based sports events, building B.C.’s reputation as a major sport-hosting destination. The previous intake of grants provided $135,000 to host 32 different sporting events in 18 communities throughout the province, from the BC Hockey Midget Provincial Championships in Quesnel, to the 2018 Canadian Women’s Wheelchair Basketball Championship in Richmond, and the West Kootenay Invitational Figure Skating in Fruitvale.
Quick Facts:
- Hosting BC funds competitive events that support long-term athlete development plans for B.C.’s provincial sports organizations.
- Grants typically range from $1,000 to $15,000, depending on the level of competition (e.g. provincial, regional, national, international).
- Applications for funding are reviewed by the Hosting BC Review Committee, which is composed of leaders in the sport and tourism sectors.