Deadline Extended: 2018 BC Games Coach Mentorship Program
Jun 15, 2017
The deadline to submit applications for the BC Games Coach Mentorship Program has been extended to Sunday, July 16, 2017, for the Kamloops 2018 BC Winter Games.
Through coach mentor/apprentice pairings, this program is designed to assist coaches in enhancing and developing their coaching skills in pursuit of coaching certification.
Participants in the program will receive access to two educational webinars, full accreditation as coaches for their sport and zone at the BC Games, travel to/from, as well as meals and accommodation at the BC Games and up to 5 NCCP Professional Development points towards maintaining their NCCP Certification.
Coaches interested in serving as a mentor, as well as those interested in being an apprentice coach, should contact their Provincial Sport Organization (PSO). Applications are submitted by PSOs and PSOs may be able to assist with matching apprentices and mentors.
To find out more about regarding program information and benefits, read the full program guidelines here.
Visit the BC Games Coach Mentorship Program page to apply today!