Registration for Coaches Week 2016 NCCP courses open!
Aug 30, 2016

The Rio 2016 Olympic Games are more than just a far-off memory, especially since the Paralympic Games are gearing up in full swing. It’s certainly no surprise that athletes continue to be in the spotlight, even after the Games are long over.
However, there are the unsung heroes supporting them from afar. The individuals who have had an immense impact on those representing their nation on the international stage.
For every athlete, there is a coach working relentlessly to support them – from grassroots to professional levels.
From September 17-25, help Canada in saying #ThanksCoach to coaches from coast to coast. Whether you are from a National Sport Organization, Provincial/Territorial Sport Organization, club, or you are a coach, parent, or athlete, your help is needed to say ‘thanks!’ to coaches.
As part of National Coaches Week, viaSport’s Regional Alliance is hosting National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) multi-sport courses over the next two months for only $10!
For a full list of courses and to register, visit