ViaSport pilots first live-streamed provincial sport event, broadcasted online for Karate BC
May 30, 2013

On Sunday, May 26, viaSport made waves for the provincial sport sector in the first live-streamed broadcast of a BC sport event, an exciting start to an eventful year. Currently housed at the Skate Canada production space in Burnaby, BC, the production studio is set-up to highlight and expose a broad range of sporting events and competitions, live shows, and interviews through online streaming technology.
The Karate BC Championships kicked off on Sunday, run by both the viaSport and Skate Canada production teams, with live coverage of the 2013 Karate BC Provincial Championships. Featuring four live-streams covering four Tatami’s (competition mats 1-4), the Tatami 1 live-stream mat had live commentary and athlete interviews drawing in over 3,000 views across the four streams to date. The archived streams also already had 1,000 views less than 24 hours following the event, which will continue to grow as it is accessed in the archives.
“We were extremely happy with the production in that we were able to cover many athletes and bring information and education about the sport of Karate to the public,” said Ted Barton, head of technology and innovation at viaSport. “In the beginning while we pilot and test the system, the live-streamed events will be watched mostly by the participant’s family and friends. But in time and with greater promotion, we believe viewership across all sport will grow.”
Thank you to our production staff
With a background at CTV and CBC in television production, Ted Barton has been working with both Skate BC and viaSport to build and launch the production studio. Also working with Ted from viaSport is Jesse Sturdy, who comes to us with a background in film production. We’ve also been thrilled to have recently trained Ashley McMullin and Isabelle Mate of viaSport, new volunteers who are able to help run the studio. Special thanks to Steve Muff, Tarrah Harvey, and Danielle Williams from the Skate Canada production crew for their leadership while we pilot our first several events.
viaSport is also proud to introduce hosts Callum Ng, radio host, and Norma Reid, weekend co-anchor of CTV News who will become familiar faces in our online programming. Callum and Norma hosted the 47th Annual Athlete of the Year awards broadcast in March, 2013 and we look forward to continue working with them moving forward.
viaSport online event broadcast schedule coming fall, 2013
This broadcast will be the first of a larger line-up of events bringing British Columbians closer to their local athletes and sports events. viaSport hopes to produce one or two more test events this summer, and will release a full broadcast schedule this fall of 2013. viaSport will also be announcing opportunities and training for new production team volunteers this summer, stay tuned for more information.
Exposure continues to heighten for sport in BC
The viaSport broadcast centre is a monumental step for amateur sport in our province. For athletes competing far from home, the online portal provides an outlet for families, friends and supporters to follow and support them at no charge and in the comfort of their own home. For athletes trying to gain more exposure in their sport, the online stream can be viewed by coaches, colleges and universities and scouts from outside of the province and country.
This stream also provides athletes with an opportunity to watch their competitors and others in the sport to hone and build their skills. Live-stream and video archiving technology provides this same tool for coaches, clubs, and other organizations to educate their members and the public on sport and health.
Finally, this technology allows a space for BC sport alumni to continue their participation in sport and become leaders and mentors in the sport sector. viaSport is excited to help open new doors and increase this important exposure for sport in BC.