2015/16 Aboriginal Equipment Grant Program

Oct 01, 2015

The Aboriginal Sport, Recreation and Physical Activity Partners Council’s (Partners Council) fall release of the 2015/16 Equipment Grant Program offers First Nations, Métis Chartered Communities and Aboriginal Friendships Centres across British Columbia the opportunity to apply for funds to purchase sport, recreation and/or physical activity equipment.  The equipment must be used to promote healthy active lifestyles by reducing barriers and increasing access to sport, recreation and physical activity programs.
The Equipment Grant Program is delivered through each of the Partner Council’s six Regional Committees, inclusive of the Northwest, Northeast, Interior, Fraser, Vancouver Coastal and Vancouver Island.  Regional Selection Committees will be responsible for evaluating the applications submitted by communities/organizations from within their region and awarding the grants.

Guidelines for the fall release of the 2015/16 Equipment Grant Program are as follows:

All First Nations, Métis Chartered Communities and Friendship Centres are eligible to apply. In addition, some provincial not-for-profit organizations that deliver Aboriginal health promotion programs are eligible to apply. Due to limited funds, not all applications will be selected.

Grants will range from $500 to $1500. The funds must be used to purchase sport, recreation, or physical activity equipment. Under the 2015/16 program, applications that demonstrate shared use of equipment, a large number of people benefiting from use and easy access, safe storage of equipment and community need will rank highest within the application evaluation process. Jerseys and apparel, and large single user equipment are generally not considered under the program.  If there are questions on what type of equipment is most appropriate for the program, please contact Jessica Bawlf
Application Deadline All applications (including official purchase quotes or statements from a retailer, vendor or distributor) must be received on or before 5 pm (PST), Monday October 12, 2015.  Application forms must be submitted by email or fax to the following coordinates:

Jessica Bawlf, Administrative Assistant
Aboriginal Sport, Recreation and Physical Activity Partners Council
Email: pcadminassist@bcaafc.com or Fax: 250.388.5502
(Note: successful applicants will be notified in November 2015)
Final report All grant recipients will be required to complete and submit a final report. The report must include all original equipment purchase receipts.  The report form will be provided by the Partners Council.
Please click here to begin your online application: https://aboriginalsportbc.wufoo.eu/forms/201516-equipment-grant-program/