2017 Coach Developer Core Training Courses Dates Released
Jan 18, 2017

Coach Developer Core Training 2017 dates are now released and open for registration. Courses are scheduled for across B.C. and involve Core Training for Learning Facilitators, Core Training for Coach Evaluators and Core Training for Master Coach Developers.
Core Training for Learning Facilitators and Coach Evaluators workshops are offered in Abbotsford, Prince George, Burnaby and Victoria. The two Core Training for Master Coach Developers courses are scheduled for the spring in Burnaby, and for the fall in Victoria in conjunction with viaSport’s Coach Developer Conference.
Core Training for Learning Facilitators Course
- Intended for current multi-sport or sport-specific Learning Facilitators (LF), or coaches that have been identified by their sport to become trained as a LF
- Six-hour workshop that all LF candidates must take
- Introduces the goals and philosophy of the NCCP, how to facilitate modules, and teaches the instructional design of the modules
Core Training for Coach Evaluators Course
- Intended for current multi-sport or sport-specific Coach Evaluators (CE), or coaches that have been identified by their sport to become trained as a CE
- Five-hour workshop that all CE candidates must take
- Focuses on the evaluation principles and processes that CEs need to follow when evaluating coaches.
Core Training for Master Coach Developers Course
- Intended for current multi-sport or sport-specific Learning Facilitators and Coach Evaluators that have been identified by their sport or multi-sport organization to become a Master Coach Developer (MCD)
- Eight-hour workshop that all MCD candidates must take
- Focuses on the functions that MCDs perform in the NCCP; these functions include how to select, train, evaluate, and mentor Coach Developers
- MCDs play a key role in promoting the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP)
To view the complete schedule and to register, visit the Coach Developer Course Calendar.