BC-based viaSport receives National Award for Excellence

Nov 07, 2016

Local not for profit recognized nationally for its contribution to sport

Vancouver, B.C.— Last week, viaSport B.C. made history when the not for profit organization was honoured with a national award for its exemplary contribution to sport, the first time ever an organization of its kind has received this award.

The Sheila Robertson Award, presented by the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) recognizes a Multi-Sport Service Organization or National Sport Organization that demonstrates consistent excellence in its contribution to coaching and coach development. The award was presented to viaSport at the CAC Sport Leadership Conference in Richmond last Friday.

“Receiving the Sheila Robertson Award is the pinnacle of recognition for contribution to coaching in Canada and we are sincerely honoured”, says viaSport British Columbia CEO Sheila Bouman. “At viaSport, we believe that coaches truly are the backbone of the sport system. Through the commitment and leadership of our coaching team and expert Coach Advisors, we are very proud of the impact the viaSport Regional Alliance, Coaches Week, BC Coach Administrator Sessions and Coach Developer Conference have had to advance coach education and development across our provincial system.”

Quick Facts:

  • In the last year, viaSport has invested over $230,000 towards coaching across B.C., through funding from the Provincial government
  • This includes over $100,000 through grants to coaches
  • viaSport and its sport partners train approximately 10,000 coaches across B.C. each year
  • viaSport is the Provincial/Territorial Coaching Representative (PTCR) for British Columbia and maintains a strong partnership with the Coaching Association of Canada.
  • viaSport was transitioned into the role of lead coaching agency from Coaches Association of B.C. (Coaches B.C.) in 2014 with the support of the Coaches B.C. Board

In addition to the Sheila Robertson Award, viaSport employee Kate Kloos received a Community NCCP Coach Developer award for her dedication to developing coaches within the Fraser Valley.

“It’s an honor to be recognized for the Investors Group NCCP Coach Developer Award,” says Kate Kloos. “To be acknowledged alongside such amazing individuals from across the country is a true testament to the commitment our province has to be a leader in sport.”


About viaSport British Columbia About viaSport British Columbia: viaSport British Columbia is a not-for-profit organization created by the Provincial Government in 2011 as a legacy of the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. Our mandate is to increase awareness, opportunity and participation in sport across the province – at every stage of life and in every community. By leading the province’s sport sector in building a stronger, more effective system, we will bring more families to the field of play, more fans into the stands, more athletes to the podium, and more sports events to the province. Learn more at viasport.ca

Kate Kloos Bio Kate is a passionate coach educator and trainer, and is currently working towards a PhD in Kinesiology/Education with the University of New Brunswick. Coaching gymnastics for 20 years, and co-owning Fraser Valley Rhythmic Gymnastics, her interest in building BC’s coaches extends to delivering NCCP programs for both gymnastics and multi-sport. Kate has worked in the sport industry for over 10 years, in sport administration, committee participation and  with a competition organization, and a multi-sport Games organization. She has also been very involved with  Special Olympic BC. Kate wants to help connect coaches and Coach Developers, and empower them to utilize the resources viaSport and the Coaching Association of Canada have to offer, so we can ensure all children and adults who engage in sport can thrive through positive experiences. 

viaSport British Columbia
Michelle Tice     