BC Ferries Sport Experience Programs support travel for all
Jun 06, 2023

Vancouver, BC – Competitive sport at any level involves travel: to different field or arenas, cities or provinces; and by car, train, bus or boat. Travel can pose some challenges – mainly cost and logistics – to athletes and organizations.
Through the BC Ferries Sport Experience Program, BC Ferries and viaSport British Columbia provide travel support to eligible not-for profit sport organizations and athletes.
In addition, athletes, athlete companions, coaches, managers, club volunteers and staff affiliated with Disability Sport Organizations can apply for competition travel assistance through the BC Ferries Disability Sport Experience Program.
As of June 2023, approximately $27,500 worth of Ferry Vouchers have been issued across both streams of the BC Sport Participation Program. Athletes and coaches travelling to the following events received support:
- Volleyball BC 2023 Club Provincial Championships
- 2023 Compulsory Gymnastics BC Championships
- BC Golf Junior Girls & Boys Provincial Championship
- BC Provincial BMX Championships
- 2023 BC Provincial Stream Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships
- BC Taekwondo Championships
- Duncan Classic Wheelchair Rugby Tournament
- CWBL National Championships
“The Momentum Girls U15 would like to thank viaSport British Columbia for the ferry vouches for travel,” said Mia Ball, Team Manager at the Momentum Volleyball Club. “These off-island trips tend to get very expensive, so every bit helps. I am happy to report that the girls placed first in their division, so it was a very exciting weekend and finish to the season for them.”
Interested in applying? Learn more about eligibility requirements and submit your application by clicking the links below.
BC Ferries Sport Experience ProgramBC Ferries Disability Sport Experience Program