Grants help girls and women get active
Apr 20, 2016

The Province is encouraging more British Columbians to get active with program grants in two areas: those that develop accessible sport in rural communities and those specifically promoting active and healthy lifestyles for girls and women.
The Local Sport Program Development (LSPD) fund strives to make sport more accessible to people of all abilities, while the Girls Only (GO) and Forever Active Bodies (FAB) 55+ grants help fund programs that encourage more girls and women to participate in sport.
This latest round of funding administered by viaSport – the provincial government’s lead agency in the development and promotion of sport and physical activity in the province – is made up of 30 grants that provide nearly $50,000 to clubs and programs. Some of the recipients include:
- Special Olympics BC – Dawson Creek: $2,000
- City of Enderby: Women, Water & Weights $1,345
- False Creek Racing Canoe Society: Girls Only Youth Flatwater $2,000
These groups, along with many more, have received up to $2,000 in grants to be used for developing sport in their community. Funds can be used for buying equipment, training officials or coaches, teaching sport skills, and adapting or targeting programs to new participants, particularly those who face barriers.
Peter Fassbender, Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development –
“These grants are important because they help promote sport throughout the province both in large municipalities and in smaller, rural communities where sport opportunities can be less common. They also promote sport for young girls and women over the age of 55. Together, these programs help British Columbians lead healthy and active lifestyles, no matter their age, ability or background.”
Sheila Bouman, CEO, viaSport –
“viaSport believes in having access to sport at every stage of life, in every community. The GO/FAB 55+ grants ensure more girls and women in B.C. have the opportunity to get active, and contribute to building a healthier province through the power of sport and physical activity.”
Quick Facts:
- LSPD, GO and FAB 55+ are all application-based programs. Organizations that are eligible to apply include municipalities, community associations, not-for-profit organizations and Aboriginal groups. For more information, visit:
Learn More:
For a complete list of LSPD grant recipients, go to:
For a complete list of GO/FAB grant recipients, go to: