Hosting BC grant spotlight: Canada’s first-ever standalone National Cross Triathlon Championship

Oct 18, 2022

After a hiatus during the pandemic, the Hosting BC grant returned this year to support 145 sport events across the province for a total of $541,900.

On September 10, athletes gathered at the starting line for Canada’s first-ever standalone National Cross Triathlon Championship. This event, hosted by Dodge City X Triathlon and Triathlon BC, featured a challenging swim, bike, and run singletrack course.

“There are so many pieces that have to align in order to pull off an event of this magnitude,” said Ryan Parton, the Race Director of the National Cross Triathlon Championships, and recipient of viaSport’s 2022 Hosting BC grant. “It’s so nice knowing that the Province has our backs and supports these types of athletic events in our province.”

The Province of B.C. continues to invest and fund event hosting through the Hosting BC grant program to facilitate economic and community development brought forth through notable sporting events. 

Eligible applicants are invited to apply for Hosting BC funding of up to $35,000 depending on the type of event. To discover more about the grant and read eligilibty information, click here.