Should There Be Age Restrictions On Youth Officiating?
Nov 01, 2019

The rules around working conditions for children and youth are changing. Until recently, there have been few limits on what kinds of work children and youth can do. Now, the B.C. government is updating the rules to keep young people safe at work and wants your input.
In May 2019, the BC government passed amendments to the Employment Standards Act that raise the minimum working age from 12 to 16, with 14 and 15-year-olds allowed to perform light work. Now, government is looking for public feedback to help define “light work” that will be set into provincial regulations early in the new year.
Government is asking for feedback from parents, guardians, those who work or volunteer with youth, employers, businesses, organizations and youth, to answer questions like:
- What types of work are appropriate for children and youth?
- What special rules (if any) should there be for children and youth engaged in this work?
- Should there be exemptions and what might those be?
Government especially wants to hear from sports organizations and those involved with youth sports on whether youth officiating should be considered for an exemption to age requirements. They recognize young people as young as 12 often work as referees and others officiants and want feedback on if and how that should continue.
More information is available on the Child Employment engage site.
Have your say by completing the Online Questionnaire.
If you have kids at home, please also share this questionnaire with them as there is a special section for kids under the age of 19 to provide comments.
Certain jobs are already exempt from age requirements in B.C., including: babysitters, newspaper carriers, performers in recorded and live entertainment, and students in work-study programs. These jobs will not be impacted by the new age requirements or rules around light work.
There are several ways you can participate until November 15, 2019 at 4 p.m.:
- Complete the online questionnaire
- Those under 19 years of age please complete a section of the online questionnaire. PLEASE NOTE: All youth must have the permission of their parent or guardian prior to sending feedback.
- Youth may also mail their submissions to the address below.
- Mail to the address below
Citizen Engagement
PO Box 9484 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC V8W 9W6
Please share with friends and family to help determine the best course of action for B.C.
You can learn more about the value of citizen input concerning changes to policy, programs and services on the govTogetherBC webpage.