Six ways to celebrate International Women’s Day 2021
Mar 03, 2021

International Women’s Day is on March 8, 2021, but because we know that women and girls face additional barriers when it comes to accessing and pursuing sport, we’re working to apply a gender equity lens to our actions and words every day. This global celebration is an opportunity for all of us, regardless of gender, to further engage in initiatives around equity, to dive into new resources and educate ourselves on complex topics and most importantly, take action to challenge the status quo in our daily lives.
In honor of International Women’s Day, here are six things you can do to celebrate on the week March 8 and continue to do every day.
Attend an event
This year, there are virtual events being hosted all over the world, so you are not limited to attending one in your own region. Choose one that excites you, that has speakers who inspire you and one that provides tangible tools to help you #ChooseToChallenge. Here are some of our picks:
- She’s4Sports panel
- PacificSport Fraser Valley Lunch and Learn Series
- Royal Roads Gender Equity Webinar
- PacificSport Okanagan Gender Equity Forum
Share a story about a female leader who inspires you
We should make it an everyday practice to acknowledge and appreciate the girls and women in our lives, but with the world watching, International Women’s Day is a perfect chance to share a story about a leader who has impacted you.
Reflect on your contributions to and vision for gender equity
How have you played a role in promoting gender equity and uplifting girls and women in your personal life, within or through your organization?
Host a discussion framed around gender equity in your organization
Providing equitable opportunities for girls and women is not achieved by one person, it takes a whole team! Host a discussion with your organization on what your vision for gender equity is and what steps need to be taken to achieve it. Hint: this isn’t just for women to attend; allies of all genders should be at the table!
Find new resources to educate yourself and others
Research and education is critical to understanding the complex issues that surround gender equity and the barriers that women and girls face. Unsure of where to start? Use our Learning Centre as a starting point. We have tonnes of resources for every organizational level; coach, administrator, parent, educator – simply filter your content search to Women and Girls.
Make a commitment to gender equity – publicly or privately
Share your vision and commitment to gender equity with others and encourage them to add gender equity to the top of their priorities by sharing content, resources, reflections, events and most importantly, your voice.
- Check out these Olympians who have created a media company with the mission of elevating women’s voices.
Happy International Women’s Day!