Watch live! 2016 Canada Cup International Wheelchair Rugby Tournament
Jun 10, 2016
Originally known as murderball, the full contact sport of wheelchair rugby was invented in Canada. With its fast and aggressive nature, wheelchair rugby is both thrilling to play as an athlete, and to watch as a spectator.
Noticing a lack of elite competition opportunities, BC Wheelchair Sports Association took it upon themselves to create the Canada Cup International Wheelchair Rugby Tournament in 2004. Taking place biannually, Canada Cup is considered the most prestigious wheelchair rugby tournament outside of a World Championship or the Paralympic Games.
From June 23-26, 2016, viaSport Media will be on-site at the Richmond Oval to live-stream the 2016 Canada Cup. During these four days, seven of the top wheelchair rugby teams in the world will battle it out in their final stop before the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games, including the number-one ranked Canadian team.
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