Webinar: Women on Boards for Sport Organizations
Jan 14, 2019

Achieving gender equity in sport starts with decision-makers at the Board level who implement strategic priorities, such as reducing sport drop-out rates for teenage girls, addressing sport participation barriers for target population groups and eliminating systemic issues that can lead to harassment.
Nationally, CAAWS, the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity, indicates that only 34% of Board members in national and multi-sport organizations are comprised of women. British Columbia is higher than the national average due to strong leadership across B.C.’s sport sector; however, more needs to be done and we encourage all organizations to strive for Board diversity.
Sport administrators and Board members are invited to register for this upcoming webinar, furthering their knowledge in:
- How to create an inclusive board culture
- The value of adding women to your board
- Strategies to recruit more women for your sport organization
The Province of British Columbia and viaSport have partnered with CAAWS to ensure the webinar is free of charge to the first 75 B.C. sport organizations that register.
Women on Boards for Organizations: Webinar
Host: Gail Hamamoto, Executive Director of BC Wheelchair Sports and Vice President of the Canadian Paralympic Committee
Date: January 30, 2019
Time: 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM PT
Cost: Free ($10 for non-B.C. organizations)