Win $1000 for National Coaches Week
Sep 12, 2018

National Coaches Week is a week-long public awareness campaign that encourages Canadians to say thanks and celebrate the tremendous positive impact coaches have on athletes and communities. This week will focus on putting a spotlight on coaches and give this, largely volunteer, integral part of Canadian sport a thanks.
With events held across the province and country to celebrate coaching, National Coaches Week provides coaches with the recognition they deserve for the time they devote to ensuring Canadians live an active, healthy lifestyle. This week, encourage yourself to say thanks to the more than 53,000 coaches who call B.C. home.
To celebrate the 4th annual National Coaches Week, viaSport is giving away $1000 through our Coaches Week Contest! This year, we’re giving away $500 to a sport team/club/association and another $500 to their coach(es)! All you have to do is post a photo on social media that includes your coach(es) and why you appreciate them.