BC Amateur Sport Evaluation Insights
viaSport monitors its designated organizations regularly to assess individual designation levels and the overall health of amateur sport.

Evaluation Insights – 2022
With reduced participation from COVID-19, many organizations seized an opportunity to rethink their strategies to recruit and develop participants, volunteers, coaches, and officials.
Responding to the need for greater inclusion, since the 2018 evaluation, more organizations have developed strategies for equity-deserving groups, such as Indigenous, 2SLGBTQ+, and newcomers. This remains a primary opportunity.

Coach and official development is a viaSport strength but we need more people to keep growing.
Relative to population, BC athlete representation on national teams is significant.
Our 2022 evaluation showed that organizations increasingly use data to guide team selection and strategy for high performance.
There has been more focus on policy development, especially for safe sport and organizational alignment with the BC Code of Conduct.
Organizations have met minimum governance standards but could benefit from more structured risk management.
Most organizations rely on volunteers for sport programming and could benefit from more sector collaboration for recruitment and retention challenges.
2022 Evaluation Report