BC Ferries Sport Experience Program: expanding travel access to athletes & sport organizations
Sep 11, 2023

Vancouver, B.C. – Travel expenses can add up, especially competitive sport.
In the world of sport, the thrill of competition often takes athletes, coaches, and team staff on journeys beyond the playing field. But beneath the excitement lies a realm of expenses that seldom make it into the highlight reel.
Teams travel to different fields, arenas, cities or provinces by car, train, bus or boat, which can be costly and pose logistical challenges.
Through the BC Ferries Sport Experience Program, BC Ferries and viaSport British Columbia provide travel support to eligible not-for-profit sport organizations staff and athletes.
In addition, athletes, athlete companions, coaches, managers, club volunteers and staff affiliated with Disability Sport Organizations (DSOs) can apply for competition travel assistance through the BC Ferries Disability Sport Experience Program.
DSOs and their clubs can now include vehicles in the application and receive vehicle vouchers since the BC Ferries Disability Sport Experience Program update this past July.
viaSport issued approximately 3,000 ferry vouchers worth over $50,000 between July and August. The vouchers assisted athletes, coaches, managers and officials travelling to and from the island for the following events:
- BC Soccer Provincials
- BC Athletics Provincial Track & Field Championships
- Softball BC Provincial Championships
- BC Summer Swimming Provincial Championships
- BCLA Minor Box Lacrosse Provincial Championships
- BC Rugby Provincial Regional Championship 7s
- BC Minor Baseball Provincials
Port Coquitlam Minor Lacrosse attended the U17 Provincial Championship in Victoria. “We came home with gold! The grant helped support our team by saving us over $500 in travel fees.”
Interested in applying? Learn more about eligibility requirements and submit your application by clicking the link below.